Sunday, January 16, 2011


So I have a dilemma.  I have two choice but I am not sure which is the best for me.

The first choice is to enroll in the workout class at the college with the rest of my classes.  The benefits are that I can work at anytime I want and because I will already be on campus it is likely that I will get my butt in there to take advantage of the gym.  I love their rowing machine.  The downside is that the class does not fit into my degree plan so I need to pay for it out of pocket up front.

The second choice is to take the Aquatic aerobics class at the YMCA.  The benefits are that it seems to be an ongoing class.  It is twice a week and fits into our schedule.  Doing the water aerobics will help me exercise while taking the weight off of my joints and off my ankle.  The downsides are I have to wear a swimsuit (I have not done this in 9 years), and I have to pay for a YMCA membership which would be more money in the long run (more money if you calculate just paying for the membership for the same about of time the school semester runs) and it is a small amount each month.  I could use the gym at the Y, but Im not sure if I would go out of my way to do this, not to mention I have heard that parking is a pain in the butt at our local Y.

What it all comes down to is that Im not sure about spending the money up front for the college or spending it monthly for the Y, as I am already paying monthly for my Weight Watchers membership.

Any insight?

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